Flower Dress GIVEAWAY…


My oufit: Dress: c/o  Winnie & Kat (on sale) | Vest: Old (similar here) | Boots: Target | Earrings: Lucky Star Jewelry | Bracelets: Lucky Star Jewelry 

Angela’s outfit: Dress: c/o  Winnie & Kat (on sale) | Hat: BlueLinen Boutique | Sandals: Target | Bag: Marc Jacobs | Leather Bracelets: Lucky Star Jewelry | Gold Bracelet: Lucky Star Jewelry | Necklaces: Lucky Star Jewelry here, here & here | Ring: Lucky Star Jewelry

This beautiful girl in the pictures with me is my good friend Angela!! Not only is she stunning, but she’s also talented. She owns a little girl clothing and head band company called Nevernola (check it out here when you get a sec). She has some dang cute stuff!!

These two lovely dresses that we are wearing are from Winnie & Kat. I can’t even tell you how comfortable they are! The fabric is amazing (super nice quality) with a soft, flexible feel that you can dress up or down. Winnie & Kat is a collection of fashionable basics that looks good on anybody and at any age! They have everything 50 % off right now on there clothing. If you purchase something, when you check out make sure you click on select your party and select “yellowdress”.

So here is the exciting news ( I have been dying to tell you guys). I have teamed up with Lila Metcalf  a stylist for Winnie & Kat and we are doing a GIVEAWAY on that cute flower dress I am wearing up above . And here’s how you enter…

1. Follow The girl in the yellow dress HERE and Lila stylist for Winnie & Kat HERE on facebook.

2. Follow The girl in the yellow dress HERE and Lila stylist for Winnie & Kat HERE on Instagram

For extra entry’s share this on (facebook, pinterest,etc). The more you share the more entry’s you get! 🙂

Make sure to comment below with each step with your email. Good Luck!!

Happy Monday!! xoxo

p.s. We find out if we are having a boy or girl tomorrow..cant wait. I will let you know on Wednesday!!



Photos by: Kaylee Esplin


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