Vintage & Thrifted- Hats & Accessories


Jacket: Urban Outfitters | Dress: Thrifted | Sandals: Old (similar here) | Belt: Thrifted | Clutch: Target (recent) | Hat: Target | Bracelets:Kohl’s & Kohl’s | Watch: Walmart | Rings: last see here | Necklaces: Vintage

Annette’s Outfit- Vest: Thrifted | Top: Target | Skirt: Target | Belt: Thrifted | Heels: ASOS | Hat: Vintage

As I explained in my last post Vintage & Thrifted- “Sporty Look”, this is the second look we are doing on vintage and thrifted items. This is a fun, ready for spring look! You can’t go wrong with adding a denim jacket or vest to your favorite dress or skirt. Also, a hat gives it an instant summer look!

My beautiful friend Annette is an expert in thrifting. She gave some great tips in the last post and our master thrifter is back for more today! See her tips below:

  A great way to start if you’ve NEVER purchased used or thrifted items is small accessories, such as hats, belts, jewelry, and purses. These are items that accent your outfit, even if it’s small. My absolute favorites are belts, hats, and travel bags. Many times I receive compliments on my accent belts and people are always surprised when I tell them it’s thrifted. Hats are always so much fun, but remember to not be afraid to search through the men’s section! Surprisingly you may find great hats and bandannas that you can salvage.

I hope these are some great tips for those who have never been thrift shopping!! We have one more look and more tips to share later this week. Please share any thrifting tips of your own. We would love to hear them! Happy Thursday! Thanks so much for reading!



Photos By: Erin Brooke Photography


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