Real Talk…My Fears of Becoming a Mother of 3

Black Dress (wearing an xsmall (runs big), have this dress in blush pink also) | Jacket (also love this one) | Sneakers | Hat | Choker | Stroller

Ok, real talk ladies. I love being a mom more than anything, especially a mom of these two cute kiddos. They bring so much happiness to me that I never thought was possible. Every day I feel so blessed they are mine (although I might briefly question that on their crazy days). I know I’m going to feel the same with this new addition coming here soon. But I have to be honest, I am a little nervous about adding another one to the mix. These two keep us SO busy that I wonder how I’m going to do it all. I wonder how I can make sure they get my full attention, and then still work on top of that. If it wasn’t for Casey being such a great help with these two, I honestly couldn’t do it. In the next 3 weeks we will have another one and that makes me SO excited and frightened at the same time, haha. How can I make all three of these kiddos of mine happy ?! How can I give them all the attention they need? All this goes through my mind. When I had Rowen and became a mother for first time, it was one of the best days of my life. Nothing has brought me more true happiness than being a mother. But at the same time it was one of the hardest times. Adjusting to mom life was not easy for me at the first. Getting no sleep and taking my little guy everywhere took a lot of getting use to. Then having two kids and learning how to juggle both of them was another adjustment, but hey, we survived and I love having these two kids. We have so much fun together. Now I wonder what I did when I only had one, haha. I take them everywhere with me. Sometimes it can be a little crazy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way! Also I think if my amazing mom and mother-in-law can have 7 and 6 kids, I can do 3, right? So bring on the adventure of 3 kids! I can’t wait for more craziness. I know it will be a big adjustment, just like with my other two, but eventually three will become the new norm and I’ll wonder what I did when I only had the two, haha. Oh and you mamas, I would love any advice I can get :).

Thanks for reading! Love you all! xx,



  1. March 23, 2017 / 8:04 am

    Yeah, it’ not real easy having 3, and the attention thing takes juggling. It’s amazing how much love my older two have for the littlest. I’ve had to really be intentional ( and sometimes fail) to give attention to our middle child. The other two seem to be easier. Love your outfit!

    • Latisha
      March 27, 2017 / 9:57 am

      Thank you Hannah! XoXo

  2. nathalie
    March 23, 2017 / 11:04 pm

    I feel you !! I am sure you will be the best mom ever with this little one added to the club ! love you !

    • Latisha
      March 27, 2017 / 9:57 am

      Thanks so much Nathalie!!

  3. March 26, 2017 / 3:05 am

    It is an adjustment, so here’s my advice:
    Arrange for a lot of help postpartum. Meals brought it, your husband home full time for at least two-six weeks, and plan to just snuggle and really really rest to heal. Jumping in after the break without being back to (near) normal makes it a million times harder.
    Plan to babywear A LOT. That’s basically the only way to keep baby happy and well adjusted when you have other kiddos to take care of! Baby and you will be a lot less stressed when there’s not crying and fussiness involved.
    Notice warning signs for postpartum depression and get help right away. This is a beast that won’t let you function. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and be open about your struggles with your husband, family and friends. They are there to support and care for you; you don’t have to feel alone.
    Spend lots of time outside at home. Don’t feel like you have to entertain or take your kids out for great playtime. Staying at home makes home more fun, you can let baby nap, and you don’t have the stress of trying to manage three little kids out in public (a BIG source of stress for me every time I add another kiddo! Lol). Ease in to family outings and grocery shopping, and just enjoy some extra time at home. Invite friends over for play dates early on postpartum until you get in to your groove. Even now with four kids I NEVER go grocery shopping during the day, I go at night when I can leave at least two home with hubby.
    You are right, you’ll find your new normal, but give yourself at least a year to do that. Life with another family member is always a big change and the needs of your family fluctuate over the years so it’s difficult to know even how the transition will go, but I know you’ll find what’s best….it may just take some time! Know I’m here to offer any advice you may need! ???

    • Latisha
      March 27, 2017 / 9:56 am

      Thank you thank you! I love all your advice! XoXo

  4. Tammy S
    March 26, 2017 / 4:19 am

    You will learn to adjust. It’s what we all do. I think you’ll find that your older kids will actually be a huge help. They learn to be a little more independent, which is what will make it flow a little easier. You will learn that it’s the little things you do with them, that are really the big thing’s. Just being present when you are with them will be the most important thing. You’ll do great!

    • Latisha
      March 27, 2017 / 9:56 am

      Thank you so much for the advice! I agree, being present is so important! XoXo

  5. Julie
    March 26, 2017 / 4:27 pm

    Welcome to the 3 kid club! Yes it’s hard st first but so fun as they get older! As another mom suggested, intentionally give attention to middle child. Sometimes middle one can get lost with attention to oldest and the baby. You will find you new “norm” and embrace it! These kiddos are only young once and , don’t worry, laundry and dishes are not going anywhere! ??

    • Latisha
      March 27, 2017 / 9:55 am

      Thank you for the great advice! I love hearing from everyone on this topic! XoXo

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