Rowen Turns 8!



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Happy 8th Birthday to this kid that made me a momma!! I can’t believe I have an 8-year-old, how did time go by so fast!? Here are a few fun facts about this sweet boy.


All about Rowen

Rowen is such a responsible kid, I swear he’s just like Casey!

He LOVES his sports just like his daddy. He’s obsessed with Steph Curry and loves playing baseball, basketball, soccer, you name it! His favorite right now is probably baseball.

He can eat an entire container of fruit in one sitting.

Rowen is really good at keeping himself busy. He loves playing with friends, but he can keep himself busy in the backyard by himself too!

He HATES taking pictures with me (again, just like Casey! They’re twins, I swear!) but he’ll be in pictures every now and then for a good enough treat haha!

He loves to read. He comes home every day from school and reads. His favorite books are Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Dog Man, and Captain Underpants.

He’s so good at being an older brother to little sisters, he puts up with a lot!

His favorite treat is cookies & cream ice cream, and his favorite dinner is either lasagna or chicken enchiladas.

Rowen is friends with everyone, he gets along with all different kinds of groups of friends.

He loves bowling!

He is tender hearted and is always concerned about doing the right thing. He’s always the first one to call me out when I say bad words! haha!

Rowen is so good with numbers and really good at geography! He knows all states and capitals, and all countries and their capitals. He’s super good at remembering sport stats too!

He likes The Incredibles and watches the 90’s Full House (ha!)

He just lost his 2 front teeth recently!

He wants to be a sports player when he grows up.

Rowen loves cousins and grandparents, he’s always so sad when he doesn’t see them for awhile or has to say goodbye.




We’re members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and in our religion we don’t baptize babies, instead we wait until kids are 8 to baptize them when they can make a conscious decision to be baptized or not. So turning 8 was a big deal for Rowen! He was so excited to be baptized into our church and the big day was April 20th. He was so excited and nervous, and he had family fly in to come celebrate with us! After he was baptized, he told me when he came up he felt really happy and clean and light. It was such a special experience! We had dessert and dinner after with our family, it was a great week!

As his mom, I’m so SO proud of Rowen. He is such a good boy, and has so much love! He is just a little light to the people around him and he makes us so happy! We love you Rowen!!

Thanks for stopping by! Check out Londyn’s 2nd birthday post here!



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