Summer Style with Vici

Summer Style with Vici featured by popular San Francisco fashion blogger The Girl In The Yellow Dress

Summer Style with Vici featured by popular San Francisco fashion blogger The Girl In The Yellow Dress

Summer Style with Vici featured by popular San Francisco fashion blogger The Girl In The Yellow Dress

Pocketed Navy Jumpsuit | Tan Wedges (sold out, similar)| Sunnies

This summer has been more than crazy, I feel like we have had so many things going on every day! We’ve been traveling and moving and then traveling again… I think I need a nap. haha Or two! It will actually be nice for school to start and things to get back to normal.

We just got back from a big trip to New York with the family and we all had so much fun. Casey’s parents were able to come with us and we took them to all the touristy things- liberty tour, times square, you name it! While we were there we stopped at the same smoothie place literally every morning! It was so good and I wish I could remember the name! The kids probably thought that was the best part of the whole trip.

Summer Style with Vici featured by popular San Francisco fashion blogger The Girl In The Yellow Dress

Summer Style with Vici featured by popular San Francisco fashion blogger The Girl In The Yellow Dress

Summer Style with Vici featured by popular San Francisco fashion blogger The Girl In The Yellow Dress

Summer Style with Vici featured by popular San Francisco fashion blogger The Girl In The Yellow Dress

Graphic Tee | Button Up Distressed Jeans (sold out, similar)| Basket Bag | Tan Double Strap Sandals | Sunnies

Summer Style:

Even though this summer has been crazy busy, summer is still my favorite season. I have a thing for summer style, and I just got introduced to Vici! (Which is crazy because they’re actually located right here in Walnut Creek!) Why have I never shopped here before?! #becausekids I really don’t get out much (by myself at least). But I love everything they sell, though. They have so many cute clothes that are really good quality for their price point. Vici is known for lots of bold colors and patterns and have a lot of really fun casual pieces as well as some amazing statement dresses. Perfect for summer style. They started out as a family business and have just blown up. They’re online store is amazing, too, so if you don’t live near one of their locations you still get to shop!

Check out some of my favorite summer style pieces at Vici and make sure to use code LATISHA20 at checkout! I think that you guys will really love them!

Thanks for stopping by! xx,



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