Disneyland Tips: Surviving Disneyland With 3 Kids

Disneyland Tips: Surviving Disneyland With 3 Kids by popular San Francisco mom blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress Disneyland Tips: Surviving Disneyland With 3 Kids by popular San Francisco mom blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress Disneyland Tips: Surviving Disneyland With 3 Kids by popular San Francisco mom blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress Disneyland Tips: Surviving Disneyland With 3 Kids by popular San Francisco mom blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress Disneyland Tips: Surviving Disneyland With 3 Kids by popular San Francisco mom blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress Disneyland Tips: Surviving Disneyland With 3 Kids by popular San Francisco mom blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressDisneyland Tips: Surviving Disneyland With 3 Kids by popular San Francisco mom blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress Disneyland Tips: Surviving Disneyland With 3 Kids by popular San Francisco mom blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress Disneyland Tips: Surviving Disneyland With 3 Kids by popular San Francisco mom blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressDisneyland Tips: Surviving Disneyland With 3 Kids by popular San Francisco mom blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress Disneyland Tips: Surviving Disneyland With 3 Kids by popular San Francisco mom blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressDisneyland Tips: Surviving Disneyland With 3 Kids by popular San Francisco mom blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress Disneyland Tips: Surviving Disneyland With 3 Kids by popular San Francisco mom blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressDisneyland Tips: Surviving Disneyland With 3 Kids by popular San Francisco mom blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressDisneyland Tips: Surviving Disneyland With 3 Kids by popular San Francisco mom blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressDisneyland Tips: Surviving Disneyland With 3 Kids by popular San Francisco mom blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress

My Disney Outfit Details:

My kids Outfit Details:

There is literally nowhere else in the entire world my kids would rather be than at Disneyland with the family! Nothing beats Mickey Mouse AND cousins at the same time, right? All these kids saw were awesome rides, awesome food, awesome characters– something awesome was around every turn. It was my first time to Disneyland with the family that we have now, 3 kids and all– and let me tell you, I’m so glad my amazing sisters and mom were there to help wrangle! Especially since Casey had to leave for a few days on a business trip in the middle of our adventure.

So I had a lot of people ask me how Disneyland was with 3 kids, and especially with a 9 month old. Londyn is a really easy baby naturally, but she did so good! I was nervous about her nap schedule, but she ended up napping when we were there just in her stroller or carseat. There was really no other option since we were were out from like 7 in the morning till like 11 at night, no joke! It was insanity, but she did so good.

Here are 4 Disneyland tips that helped me to survive Disneyland with 3 kids.

  1. My UPPA baby double stroller is amazing. Even though it was so big, she napped in it so easily. It’s perfect because the bottom of it could literally store everything under the sun– jackets, snacks, water. There’s a shade that goes over it but also a sun protector, which is genius. I debated not bringing it, but I’m so glad I decided to take it because it saved our lives.
  2. The Miamily baby carrier that I posted about last month here was my second life line. I can strap her on froward or backward, but she loved the forward facing way more. I liked this one over other carriers for Disneyland because it has a pack that she sits on in the front that takes all the weight off. I could walk around for hours with her in that thing and I couldn’t even feel her! My experience with other baby wraps has been that they work well for an hour or so, but my back would always start hurting after awhile. And I’ve tried so many! But I feel like this one was so perfect for long distance wear.
  3. Portable phone chargers are AMAZING you guys! I wanted to take pictures all the time, but my phone kept dying and had the worst service. But there were so many golden moments that I wanted to capture! I probably took way too many pictures haha. But I wouldn’t have survived without my charger. I used this one here, check it out.
  4. Last but not least, these sneakers were the best. They were were so awesome, I can’t say enough about how much I loved them! My feet always hurt when I have to walk around for a long time, and Disney is non stop walking. I walked around in them the entire time we were there and my feet never hurt, NOT ONCE!  They have this amazing fabric around the back that was awesome. Every woman who walks (aka all women everywhere) need these in their life.

If you are rethinking going to Disney because you have a baby don’t!!! This trip was so magical and one we will always remember! SO many non stop smiles it made my mama heart so happy! These Disneyland tips made surviving Disneyland with 3 kids not so bad, haha! Thanks for stopping by! Love you all! xx,


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