Top Baby Items of 2018

Top Baby Items of 2018 by popular San Francisco mommy blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressTop Baby Items of 2018 by popular San Francisco mommy blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressTop Baby Items of 2018 by popular San Francisco mommy blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressTop Baby Items of 2018 by popular San Francisco mommy blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressTop Baby Items of 2018 by popular San Francisco mommy blogger The Girl in The Yellow DressTop Baby Items of 2018 by popular San Francisco mommy blogger The Girl in The Yellow Dress

Jeans | White Top | Highchair via The Baby Cubby | Bib (so cute and comes in a pack of 4)

All you mommas out there! I put together a collection of all the top baby items to get for 2018. It’s always so stressful trying to decide which product to buy because there are always so many to choose from! I came up with a bunch of the top baby items, a lot of which I’ve used myself and can personally vouch for. Here are my favorite three top baby items that every mom out there needs to try.


1.Boon Flair High Chair. One of my favorite baby items has been my Boon high chair! I got it from one of the best online shops The Baby Cubby! If you haven’t check out this shop you NEED too! They have everything you can think of for babies and mamas! It’s a one stop shop for it all, it’s one of my favorite places to shop! One of the most amazing things about it is that it rolls, you guys! It has wheels! They’re super helpful because I can just roll Londyn around the kitchen with me if I need to get something on the other side of the room while I’m feeding her. I also love that it can lower up and down and has a removable cover for the tray (which makes it really easy to clean). It’s not cheap, but quality is really impressive. Here is a video the Babby Cubby put together for their 2018 baby products! Make sure to check it out HERE.

2. MamaRoo Infant Seat. I also loved the mamaRoo infant seat. I’d seen some good reviews about thing thing, but it was a lifesaver. I think if I totaled up the hours Londyn spent in themamaRoo I might be a little embarrassed. haha But Londyn just loved it! And when you have 2 other kids, it’s so amazing to have somewhere to put the baby while you get everything else done.

3. Miamily Baby Carrier. Has anyone else tried the Miamily baby carrier? I really love using this carrier when Londyn’s going to be in it for long amounts of time. It has a pack that most of her weight sits on, so I can literally wear her for hours (like I did at Disneyland) and my back never even starts hurting. I love other carriers too, but for long periods of time, I would defiantly recommend the Miamily carrier.

I think those three would be my top baby items, make sure to check the The Baby Cubby (you will love this shop), and also if your on the lookout for some cute bibs you need these ones! Thanks for stopping by!





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