Turning Our Morning Routines into Power Hour with Renew Life Probiotics


Our mornings have just gotten a whole lot more hectic now that school has started! I want to make sure that the kids get started off on the right foot before getting to school, especially now that Lettie is starting pre-school, so I’ve come up with a few things that might help us regulate our mornings and turn them into a “power hour” for me and the kids.



First, I’m going to try to have a regular routine every morning so the kids can get used to a regular schedule.

Next, we’ve decided to start every day with a prayer after the kids wake up. Our family prays a lot but I think it’s important for us to remember to pray and reflect on the day ahead of us first thing in the morning.

The third thing is I’m making it a goal to get the kids a healthy breakfast every morning! Pray for me. haha



Number four is that we’re starting to take probiotics. Maybe it’s just me, but somehow I didn’t realize how magical probiotics can be! Does anyone take them or give them to their kids? I just got introduced to Renew Life Probiotics and we’re really liking their vitamins! For those of you who are newbies like me, probiotics are live bacteria that are good for you, especially in your digestive system. I think most people think of bacteria as a bad thing, but there are good and bad kinds of bacteria. Renew Life Probiotics are made stronger with more good bacteria than other probiotics so they can help us start each day strong. Here are a few other fun facts about probiotics and all their benefits!

  1. A healthy gut can help support kids development
  2. A healthy gut can help boost your child’s immune health
  3. At least 70% of your immune system is in your gut
  4. A healthy gut can help boost your immune health
  5. A healthy gut can help lower stress
  6. A healthy gut can help you expend energy better
  7. A healthy gut can help improve your stamina
  8. 95% of your body’s happiness-inducing serotonin, is produced in the gut
  9. A healthy gut can help protect against stomach discomfort
  10. A healthy gut can help fight food cravings
  11. A healthy gut can help regulate your period
  12. A healthy gut can help improve sleep
  13. A healthy gut can help improve memory

The last thing I’m going to try to do every morning is talk about the day ahead of us and mentally prep the kids for what to expect at school. I found that mental prep was really important for Rowen so I’m going to try to remember to help him get his mind in the right place before the day starts.

I’d love to hear what your power hour tips are.  You can join the #PowerHour discussion on Instagram and Twitter and share your tips to maximize the morning routine for a chance to win a Renew Life Power Hour Kit and other great prizes.  All you have to do is follow @RenewLife on Instagram or Twitter and post a picture or video of your morning routine with #PowerHour, #Sweeps.

Thanks for stopping by! xx


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