Our Summer 2015 Recap …

Guys, I really am such a slacker..haha. It’s already the middle of September and I am just barley getting this up! I have been meaning to do this for weeks now and every week this month seemed to fly by! I posted our summer recap last year, so I decided it was something I want to post and share after every summer! I really love Summer! We always have busy, fun-filled summers that are non stop, but so memorable! Here are some of our favorite highlights from all of our summer fun!
Parks Days, Summer 2015Park days of course! Where we live there is the coolest parks on every corner. So we are here a lot! Even on those really hot days!
TravelingOn our way to Utah to see family! It’s a long drive so we had to take tons of pit stops (in the middle of now where).
Rowen & Cousin KaiLettie 18 monthsBrothers & SistersSnowcones on the 4th of JulyCowbunga Bay, July 2015First time on the waterslideJuly 2015 with cousins4th of July 2015Lettie with Aunt JulaWe love spending time with family! We were in Utah for a couple of weeks and it was non stop the whole time!! Water parks, splash pads, Havasupai, snow cones, you name it we did it! My sister Jula (in the last pic) is serving a mission in the Fort Worth Texas Mission and it was so good to be there for her farewell and say good bye!  We already miss her like crazy!
Fashion Show with kaylee & AmandaPhotobooth BusFashion EventModels for the Fashion EventWhile in Utah my friends Amanda (owner of Recycled Design) and Kaylee put together a fashion show and event with Maskcara and Photo Booth bus (check them out)! It was a blast and we had such a great turn out with the sweetest people! There was a fun fashion show with Amanda’s clothes (Recycled Design) and Cara did the models makeup and brought her awesome makeup to try out and buy if they wanted! We also had the best food, and our models were the cutest! They rocked that runway! And the best part was taking pics in the Photo Booth Bus.
Santa Barbara, Summer 2015Santa Barbara July 2015Beach in Santa Barbara 2015Santa Barbara 2015Lettie's First time on the Merry go roundSanta Barbara PierOn our way back home from Utah we decide to take our time and go up the coast, and stop at some cool places on the way! First stop, Santa Barbara! I haven’t been here since I was 17 so it was so cool going back! We loved it here! The beaches and weather were perfect! Rowen and Lettie had so much fun in the sand for hours!
Rowen Pismo Beach 2015Pismo Beach July 2015Second stop Pismo Beach! We liked it here also, but because it was up the coast a little more north so it was colder like the beaches by our house here in the Bay area! It was still so fun to see this place and experience the going up the coast! It’s a beautiful drive.

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Hard Rock Hotel, Lake Tahoe Aug 2015Lake Tahoe July 2015
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Casey & IA couple weeks later after our 3 week adventure all over Utah/ California we decide to go up to Lake Tahoe! I have always wanted to come here so it was so great to go and see how gorgeous it really is! We had a lot of fun! Rowen and Lettie’s favorite part was riding the Goudula up the mountain! The view when we got to the top was breathtaking!

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And of course we ended our last few weeks of summer with tons of swimming and splash pads! We soaked up all the sun we could get! Rowen is 4 and Lettie is a year and a half so it made summer 2015 busy but so much fun and a lot of happiness! Being with this little family of mine bring me so much joy to me! I am so blessed to have them!!

We are sad to let summer go but ready for Fall and all the awesome things that come with it! Farwell summer 2015, you will always be remembered!

I hope you all had the best summer! But bring on the hot chocolate, yummy soups, beanies and pumpkin bread…yum!! Thanks so much for reading! XO,


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